How do I delete sales transactions/receipts from my account?
You can manually delete ALL of your current transactions during the first fourteen(14) days upon your registration to KaHero POS. Access the back office through then on the Navigation Menu, head to Settings, then click General Settings. Scroll down the General Settings and you will find the Request receipts and analytics deletion section. Click Delete Data to dSome readersHow to Subscribe to PRO
To access all the features that the KaHero POS can provide you just have to subscribe to our PRO. How to Subscribe as PRO? To subscribe to PRO login to your KaHero account and go to the navigation bar and click Go PRO with Kahero on the below. After clicking, a pop up will appear just like the below picture. Click the Go PRO for only PHP 800.00/month. ( readersSchedule your free Online Coaching
You can schedule a free online coaching with us, just by clicking here. You will be directly sent to a site, like the below picture. Select your desired date an time for the coaching. Input your details and click confSome readersHow to add Initial Inventory
To show the Initial Inventory you to first have to enable the Shift Management feature located at Settings. Then go to Listings then Items. Click New Item then it will show the Sales Warehouse and Beginning Qty. (https://storage.criFew readersHow To Reset Item Stocks
Most common question regarding stocks is "how can we turn all our negative stocks to positive or into 0". : The reason why you have negative stocks is when you check the box of "Allow Negative Stock" of the Warehouse Settings under General Settings. Allow Negative Stock How to reset or turn your negative stocks to zero (0). To start, you have to Export your Stocks.Few readersDoes KaHero POS have a desktop application?
We currently do not have a desktop app. KaHero POS is a mobile application and can be downloaded from the Google Playstore & Appstore.Few readersHow To Reset Transactions in the POS
This is a feature that wipes all your transaction history. This feature is accessible in the KaHero POS app. To reset, login to your account and select Settings General Settings. Once you're already in the General Settings, scroll down to the very end. There you will find the Reset Transactions button. ( readersSome of my items are not showing on the register. How can I fix it?
Some of my items are not showing on the register. How can I fix it? On the Navigation Menu, head to Listings, then click Items. Click on the item you want to display on the register. Make sure you have "Sale Item" enabled on the item.Few readersIs my receipt printer compatible to KaHero POS?
You can check whether your printer is compatible or not here:, or you can send us a message through our chat support and directly ask us!Few readersHow Can I Monitor My Sales and Stocks - Analytics
Monitor through Analytics You can monitor your and Stocks through KaHero Analytics or Back Office. Analytics is separated app from the KaHero POS. The analytics app displays all the transactions going on KaHero POS in real time. Overview Open your Analytics App and login your account. After logging in to your account the first thing you'll see is the Overview, under it is the Sales Summary, Top Items, Shifts, Employees repoFew readersDo you give free demonstration on how to use KaHero POS?
Yes, we do. We offer free demonstration to our users. You can message us and we can agree on a schedule for your free demonstration on how to use KaHero POS.Few readersContact Us
Questions not answered yet? We are here to help. You can contact us on the below; Technical Support Team Contact Number: +639177081225 / +639171536312 / 09611887926 Emails: / Product Inquiry Valerie - +639265534361 Sofia - +639458472602 Angelica - +639171082255Few readersHow To Add Customer Name and Address on Receipt
To add your customer's name and address on your receipts first you must go to Customers, click the navigation bar and click Customers. Click the edit icon of the customer, if you don't have a customer yet then click Add a Customer. ( readersIs there a limit to adding users/customers/employees to my POS account?
No, there is no limit to adding users or customers or employees to your KaHero POS account. You can add as many users/customers/employees as you need.Few readersHow To Change A User
You can easily switch your user just by following the steps below. To change a user, you must first have to end your shift. Go to Shift Management then select Close Shift and click End Shift. Input the cash amount the click End Shift.Few readersHow to Logout in KaHero POS with/without Shift Management enabled feature
Logout without Shift Management enabled Logout your Kahero POS without Shift Management feature enabled. It very easy to logout your KaHero account. Just click on your navigation bar and go to Settings, there you can find the Log Out button. Click it to logout.Few readers