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How Can I Monitor My Sales and Stocks - Analytics

Monitor through Analytics

You can monitor your Sales and Stocks through KaHero Analytics or Back Office.

Analytics is separated app from the KaHero POS. The analytics app displays all the transactions going on KaHero POS in real time.


Open your Analytics App and login your account. After logging in to your account the first thing you'll see is the Overview, under it is the Sales Summary, Top Items, Shifts, Employees report on a specific date.


To start of, select or specify the date you want to view your reports.

Sales Summary - under the Sales Summary Report you can view the numbers of transaction, total sales, average sales of the specific date. By clicking the box icon you can view your detailed Sales Summary Report.

Sales Summary

Top Items - this will show you the top items sold of the specific date. By clicking the box icon it will show you a detailed information.

Top Items

Shifts - under Shifts you can your user and their cash sales for that specific date. To view the Shiftee Overview just click the box icon.


Employees - this will show you your all your staff's time entries of that specific date. Select a user to view their details.


Employee's Information

Item Stocks

In the Item Stocks you can monitor if your stocks are low or you're out of stocks and you can also view all your items cost, balance quantity of your selected warehouse.

Item Stocks

To view the Item Ledger or movement of your item stocks, just click a specific item.

Item Ledger

Modifier Stocks

In the Modifier Stocks you can monitor if your low of stocks or out of stocks and like the Item Stocks you can also view all your items cost, balance quantity of your selected warehouse.

Modifier Stocks

To view the Modifier Ledger or movement of your modifiers stocks, just click a specific item.

Modifier Ledger

Updated on: 05/01/2022

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