Purchase Order
Purchasing Order to your Supplier To purchase your order to your Supplier go to app.kahero.co, click Purchase Order under Inventory Management. Select Add Purchase Order. Fill in all in the Details. Supplier Name - select your supplier. Warehouse - select the warehouse where you want to put your ordered items. Purchase Order date - the date you purchase yourFew readersHow to add your Franchisee
Franchisee Platform is one of KaHero POS features that helps franchisors collaborate with franchisees to manage business functions such as sales and inventories. It helps monitor franchisee performance, consolidate sales and analyze business trends. Invite a Franchisee To add your Franhisee on your account, you can go to app.kahero.co and click Franchise. On the right side above, you can see the Invite a Franchisee button, select that. (https://storage.crisp.chat/usFew readers