Articles on: Hardware

Compatible POS Printers

Below is a list of all printer supported by KaHero POS:

For Android Users

Star TSP650II / TSP654IIBl (Bluetooth)
GP-58130IIC (Bluetooth)
GP-L80250II (Ethernet)
GP-58130IIC (Ethernet)
GP-U80300I (Ethernet)
Star TSP 100 / TSP143IIILAN (Ethernet)
Star mc-Print3 (USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet)
Epson TM-T20II (Ethernet)
Epson TM-88IV (Ethernet)
Epson TM-T88V (Ethernet)
Epson TM-m30 (USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet)
Posiflex Aura 6900 (Ethernet)
Xprinter XP-Q200 (Ethernet)
XPrinter XP-Q800 (Ethernet)
XPrinter XP-58IIH (Bluetooth)
Star mPOP (Bluetooth)
EastRoyce ER-58A (Bluetooth)
EastRoyce ER-80A (Bluetooth)
Sam4s GIANT-100D (Ethernet, USB)
Senda SDXP-210 (Bluetooth)
Issyzone POS IPDA045 - Handheld PDA/Mobile Printer

For android users, you can try using other models or you can message us and ask whether or not the printer is compatible with KaHero POS.

For iOS Users

Star TSP654IIBl (Bluetooth)
Star mPOP (Bluetooth)
Star TSP 100 (Ethernet)
Star TSP143IIILAN (Ethernet)
Star SP743 (Ethernet) Can print only kitchen orders
Star SP700 (Ethernet) Can print only kitchen orders
Star mC-Print3 (USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet)
Star SM-T300i (Bluetooth)
Star SM-S210i (Bluetooth)
Epson TM-T20II (Ethernet)
Epson TM-T88VI-i (Ethernet)
Epson TM-m30 (Ethernet)
Epson TM-m30 (Bluetooth)
Epson TM-P20 (Bluetooth)
Sam4s GIANT-100D (Ethernet)
Senda SDXP-210 (Bluetooth)

Updated on: 04/08/2021

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