Articles on: Getting Started

Making Sales - Register

The Register is where you make sales transactions.

On the Navigation Menu, select Register.

Note: If you have enabled Shift Management in your features, you must open a shift first to see the Register option in the Navigation Menu.

Navigation Menu > Register

This is your register screen. This is where your transactions happen.

A. Click on the item's icon to add items to your ticket.
B. View items according to their assigned categories.
C. Manually search for items you want to add to your ticket.

Register Screen

Sorting Items

You can sort your items on the register by clicking on the button beside the magnifying glass icon (inside the red circle).

You can sort your items according to their designated categories.

A. Categories A-Z - items will be sorted according to their designated categories arranged in alphabetical order
B. Categories ID - items will be sorted according to their designated categories arranged according to their sort IDs

Sort Type

You can set the SORT ID of your categories under Listings > Categories.

Set Sort ID

List/Grid Items

By clicking the List icon your items can view your items as small image on the left side and the item information on the right side. Grid icon to maximize the image of your items.

If some of your Items are not showing on the Register, click the icon below to Refresh or Load More Items.

Slide an item to the left to delete it from your order list.

Swipe to Delete

Tap on an item on your ticket to change any details.

A. Add or subtract the item's quantity.
B. Select a created discount to apply to your item.
C. Manually add a discount amount to your item.
D. Manually add a discount percent to your item.
E. Add a note to your item.

Tap to change item details

A. Lock Icon - opens your cash drawer even without making sales. You can enable/disable this restriction under a user.
B. Discount - apply a discount to the entire ticket
C. Barcode - instead of the items screen, a scanning screen will appear for you to scan your items using the barcode mode you have set.
D. Print Bill - you can print tickets or bills even before payment.
E. Delete Ticket - delete the entire ticket

Ticket Icons

Once you're done with inputting the orders, click Payment to proceed to the payment screen

This is your payment screen.

A. A summary of your customer's order.
B. Select the mode of payment.
C. Input the amount received from your customer.
D. Preset amounts received for accessibility.
E. KaHero POS automatically calculates the change for you.

Payment Screen

Once you're all set, you can click Proceed and confirm your payment.

Payment Confirmation

Updated on: 25/10/2021

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