Kitchen Display
The KaHero Kitchen Display System feature is a digital order viewer that helps your kitchen staff be alert, breakdown each orders, and prioritize each task.
To use the Kitchen Display feature you must first install the KaHero Kitchen Display app in a separate device of your KaHero POS. It is highly recommended to use Tablet (Android version 5.0 or higher).
Once done installing, you can then connect your Kahero POS and KaHero Kitchen Display. To connect, open your KaHero Kitchen Display get the IP address.

Then, open your KaHero POS (separate device) to add your Kitchen Display. On the navigation bar select Printer Settings and click on Kitchen Display then click on Add.

Input your Kitchen Name and on the Kitchen Display IP input the IP Address of your Kitchen Display.

To confirm if your Kitchen Display and KaHero POS is already connected, click on the Test Display.

A sample order will appear on your Kitchen Display, like the sample picture below.

Don't forget to save your newly added Kitchen Display in your KaHero POS.
Now that your done setting up your Kitchen Display, you can now use it in your every transaction. Once, a transaction has been made the order will automatically be displayed in your Kitchen Display.

Click the item in the ticket, so it will then be crash out to indicate that the item is already cooked and ready to served. Once you've crash out all the items in the ticket a check icon will appear, click it to closed the ticket.

If you add an item on an existing ticket, it will be shown as a new ticket but with the same ticket name.

Also, the ticket header color will change from green to yellow to red base on the time passes by to identify if the orders are right on time or is already late preparing.

You can adjust the time period on the upper right icon.

Input the seconds of the Time until late, this will automatically adjust the time period.

Setup your KaHero Kitchen Display
To use the Kitchen Display feature you must first install the KaHero Kitchen Display app in a separate device of your KaHero POS. It is highly recommended to use Tablet (Android version 5.0 or higher).
Once done installing, you can then connect your Kahero POS and KaHero Kitchen Display. To connect, open your KaHero Kitchen Display get the IP address.

Then, open your KaHero POS (separate device) to add your Kitchen Display. On the navigation bar select Printer Settings and click on Kitchen Display then click on Add.

Input your Kitchen Name and on the Kitchen Display IP input the IP Address of your Kitchen Display.

To confirm if your Kitchen Display and KaHero POS is already connected, click on the Test Display.

A sample order will appear on your Kitchen Display, like the sample picture below.

Don't forget to save your newly added Kitchen Display in your KaHero POS.
How to Use your Kitchen Display
Now that your done setting up your Kitchen Display, you can now use it in your every transaction. Once, a transaction has been made the order will automatically be displayed in your Kitchen Display.

Click the item in the ticket, so it will then be crash out to indicate that the item is already cooked and ready to served. Once you've crash out all the items in the ticket a check icon will appear, click it to closed the ticket.

If you add an item on an existing ticket, it will be shown as a new ticket but with the same ticket name.

Also, the ticket header color will change from green to yellow to red base on the time passes by to identify if the orders are right on time or is already late preparing.

You can adjust the time period on the upper right icon.

Input the seconds of the Time until late, this will automatically adjust the time period.

Updated on: 08/11/2022
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