Articles on: Franchise

How to add your Franchisee

Franchisee Platform is one of KaHero POS features that helps franchisors collaborate with franchisees to manage business functions such as sales and inventories. It helps monitor franchisee performance, consolidate sales and analyze business trends.

Invite a Franchisee

To add your Franhisee on your account, you can go to and click Franchise.

On the right side above, you can see the Invite a Franchisee button, select that.

After clicking the Invite a Franchisee button, a pop up dialog will show, like the below picture.

To invite your Franchisee you must fill in the below and then click the Invite button.

Your Name - fill your name here.
Email of the franchisee to invite - the email of your Franchisee.
Please input your phone number - the number of your Franchisee.

Note: The Franchisee's email must be connected to his/her KaHero account.

After clicking the Invite, notice the below added Franchisee is on Not Accepted status.

The Franchisee will received an email from KaHero. Titled "Welcome to KaHero", they must click the Accept the invite.

A new tab will appear to confirm that the Franchisee has accepted the invite.

Go to your Back Office and click Franchise. Check if the Franchisee's status has change into Accepted. If yes, you have successfully added your Franchisee to your account.

Updated on: 11/01/2023

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